
Times of India wrote: Turkey-Russia relations: Allies? Rivals?

President Erdogan met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on September 29, and they discussed many issues, especially the situation in Syria. Times Of India, the well-established newspaper of India, carried the close relations between the two leaders in Syria, despite their confrontation.

The article stated that Turkey and Russia have had a strong but complex relationship for years, and that the two countries sometimes act as allies and sometimes compete.


Referring to President Erdogan’s statement on his return to Sochi, that they talked about “how we, as two countries, can make improvements in aircraft engines, warplanes and submarines”, it was also reminded that the two leaders held consultations on the construction of a nuclear power plant in Turkey. It was also noted that Turkey bought the S-400 air defense system from Russia.

However, despite all this partnership, the two countries are facing each other in Syria. While Turkey supports the FSA in Syria, the Assad regime backed by Russia is organizing attacks against the FSA. However, according to the Times of India, President Erdogan wants his NATO member country to side with Russia if its interests match, and he always emphasizes that partnership with Russia is “extremely important”. This clearly shows that Erdogan is ignoring NATO’s policies towards Russia and defiantly following his own views on what serves Turkey’s interests.


In the article, it is reminded that Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 Defense System from Russia causes it to be subject to sanctions by the United States, while referring to the conflict with the United States about the F-36. Prof. from Istanbul Bilgi University. “This acquisition has cast doubt on Turkey’s commitment to NATO and has sown discord within the alliance,” İlter Turan told the newspaper. made statements.

In an interview published on CBS News on September 26, President Erdogan said that Turkey still plans to buy a second batch of S-400 missile defense systems from Russia. However, Moscow is generally dissatisfied with Turkey’s stance in regional conflicts ranging from Syria and Libya to Ukraine and the Caucasus.” statements were included.


In his speech to the 76th UN General Assembly, a few days before his meeting with Putin in Sochi, President Erdoğan stated that Turkey believes it is important to protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including Crimea. This situation caused reactions in Moscow.

While it was stated in the article that Russia and Turkey took different sides in Libya, it was emphasized that Turkey sometimes acted in the interests of Russia in the region. Therefore, despite Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile defense system and possible cooperation in the defense industries of the two countries, we see that the relations between Russia and Turkey are complex and problematic. Turkey’s indecisive policies and orientation cause confusion.
However, when Ankara begins to normalize somewhat, it is inevitable that it will be disturbed by Russia’s strong military presence in the Black Sea. Turkey is likely to see this presence as both a geopolitical challenge and a threat.” statements were included.

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